
Vivre sa vie (Godard 1962) Blu-Ray 065


Breathless (Godard 1960) Blu-Ray 060 (opening to 8:08)

Tout va bien (Godard/Gorin 1972) DVD 1398 (opening to 5:20; 1:08:14 to 1:14:07)

Reading (to be done by March 3): 

Gene Youngblood. “Jean-Luc Godard: No Difference Between Life and Cinema.” (in course reader)

Susan Sontag. “Vivre sa vie.” (in course reader)

Papers due March 4 by 4 p.m. Graduates email paper to gmairs@calarts.edu; undergraduates email paper to FilmHistoryTA@gmail.com:

There was no written assignment for today. Next week, March 4, is the final date by which the first five papers of the semester must be turned in. Failure to do so will result in dismissal from the course with a grade of NC.