Enjoy the Holiday break!


Sisters of the Gion (Mizoguchi1936) DVD 3636
A Page of Madness (Kinugasa 1926) personal DVD (on class reserve shelf in film library)   

Reading (to be done by December 2): 

Jasper Sharp and Mariann Lewinsky. “A Page of Madness.”  

Assignment for December 3: 

All the short papers that you have not yet turned in are due by 4 pm on Wednesday, December 3. You will be penalized one full FINAL grade for each missing short paper. 

Thus, if you have attended every class and write a brilliant final paper but have failed to turn in one of the short papers, the highest grade you can hope for is a P. 

I will email everyone this week to let you know where you stand – what papers you have not turned in and how many absences you have had thus far. Please be sure to get all the missing work in before class Wednesday!