A Man Escaped (Bresson 1956) DVD 1296
Elephant (Clarke 1989) DVD 1441 (also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyRL73HIvqg)
Reading (to be done by February 19):
Robert Bresson, Notes on Cinematography (pages 1-21), in course reader.
Assignment for the week. Graduates, please email essay to me at elkrugamigos@earthlink.net; undergraduates, please bring a printed copy to class:
Explore the Implications of the idea that “every tracking shot is a moral choice” in The Music Room, A Man Escaped or Elephant – consider how either Ray, Bresson or Clarke depict a single character in one very short scene. How do the aesthetic decisions (framing and camera angle, camera movement, lighting, color, performance style, score) lead us to judge that character and their behavior?