Sunrise (Murnau 1927) DVD 3109
Ménilmontant (Kirsanoff 1926) DVD 1636
Touch of Evil (Welles 1959) DVD 186 - opening shot
The Red and the White (Jansco 1968) DVD 901 - 1:20 to 4:52
Children of Men (Cuaron 2006) DVD 2517 - 26:11 to 30:19
La Ronde (Ophüls 1950) DVD 2982 - opening shot
Reading (to be done by November 13):
Robin Wood, “Sunrise: A Reappraisal,” in the course reader.
Paper topic (paper due November 14:
Take a scene using moving camera from Sunrise and think hard about how it works – what is the effect of the camera movement on the narrative. Then imagine the scene shot in the invisible style, broken down to several static shots rather than shot in motion. Having thought about the difference, write about the effect of camera movement in the scene. You will need to review the shots, either in the Film Resources Library on online - the film is available on You Tube.